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Warming Facilities in Suffolk County

Click the following link for a list of facilities that may be activated as Warming Centers during an excessive cold event as determined by the National Weather Service. Warming Centers

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Vector Control and Wetlands Management Long-Term Plan

The Suffolk County Legislature, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Suffolk County Vector Control and Wetlands Management Long-Term Plan may have a significant effect on the environment, requiring the preparation of a Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS).

In cooperation with the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) Vector Control Division, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) is overseeing the development and implementation of a Suffolk County-wide vector control and wetlands management plan. The overall goals are to:

  • Assist Suffolk County in developing an effective long-term vector control program, including a comprehensive wetlands management component.
  • Minimize pesticide usage while protecting public health.
  • Preserve and restore wetlands managed by Vector Control via open marsh water management natural reversion of ditched areas, and other alternatives.
The management plan and accompanying environmental impact statement (EIS) are being developed by a consultant team, with support from other entities including the County, at a cost estimated at approximately $3.6 million.

The initiative addresses priority recommendations of the Peconic Estuary Program, Long Island Sound Study, and South Shore Estuary Reserve Program, and is being funded by the Suffolk County Drinking Water Protection Program (1/4% sales tax; Water Quality Protection and Restoration Program).

The program will result in specific recommendations for program implementation, which will guide preparation of annual Vector Control work plans.

Included will be detailed cost estimates, timelines, responsibilities, a monitoring plan, and measurable goals for implementation milestones.

This program will be based upon a literature review, field reconnaissance, and a detailed evaluation of alternatives, including cost-benefit analyses.

Agency and public input was solicited in public hearings at the outset of the program, and during the early stages of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process. Guiding the program are the Steering and Technical Advisory Committees, established during the formal scoping process.

In addition, a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) was convened to assure citizens input throughout the planning and EIS process. These committees include representatives of key agencies and estuary programs, technical experts, and estuary program Citizens Advisory Committee chairpersons or their representatives.

Project General Schedule and Related Tasks:

General Schedule

1 Preliminary Draft Work Plan & Scoping Outlines February 2002
2 GEIS Scoping Begins August 2002
3 Complete final Scoping and Work plan refinement (Task 1) October 2002-November 2002
4 Project Funding Appropriated July 2003
5 Project Full Implementation (Tasks 2-14) / Contract Executed October 2003
6 Estimated completion date December 2005

Related Tasks

Task 1

Initial Step in Developing a management plans to meet the county’s needs for mosquito management.

Part 1: Outlines the scooping process & Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) for the long-term plan.

Part 2: The final Work plan

Task 2 Laws/Regulations/Management Programs
Task 3

Literature Review and Early Action Recommendations

Task 4

Suffolk County Vector Control Existing Operations

Task 5 Data Compilation
Task 6 Monitoring Program
Task 7 Field Assessment, Mapping
Task 8

Impact Assessment

Task 9 Management Alternatives
Task 10 Management Plan Report
Task 11 Peer Review and Meetings
Task 12 Demonstration Projects
Task 13 Public Education, Outreach and Involvement
Task 14 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement

For more information, please visit:

Suffolk County Government

H. Lee Dennison Bldg

100 Veterans Memorial Hwy
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, NY 11788

Riverhead County Center

County Road 51
Riverhead, NY 11901