The Unit is responsible for the protection of the public from unnecessary and unhealthful exposure to radiation by inspecting radiation sources in medical, research, and commercial facilities as well as within educational institutions. Medical X-rays are the most common source of public exposure to radiation after natural background radiation. The unit's primary function is to reduce patient and operator exposure to medical and dental X-rays to the lowest amount that is "reasonably achievable."
For Questions or Complaints
Contact the Department at 360 Yaphank Ave., Suite 2A, Yaphank, NY 11980:
(631) 852-5900
X-ray Machines
X-radiation producing equipment is registered with the New York State Department of Health.
Contact them at:
NYS Department of Health
Bureau of Environmental
Radiation Protection
Empire State Plaza-Corning Tower
Room 1245
Albany, New York 12237
(518) 402-7580
All ionizing radiation equipment in Suffolk County is required to be registered with NYSDOH. Equipment is also subject to periodic inspections by the Suffolk County Radiation Control Unit. The frequency of inspection varies according to the type of installation. Suffolk County issues a Certificate of Inspection after the determination that the equipment complies with Part 16 of the NYS Sanitary Code and the inspection fee has been paid. Consequently, the Certificate of Inspection expiration date does not coincide with the expiration date of the NYSDOH registration.
Billing Inquiries
For billing inquiries regarding X-ray equipment inspections, please call (631) 854-0910
Power Line Health Effects
Call the New York State Department of Health Center for Environmental Health at (518) 402-7550
Get the Facts About Mammography
Visit the FDA site at: